

Jim Haddock knows our public schools, and he knows what they need to provide quality education. Unfortunately, extremists on the ballot this November want to drastically reduce funding for our public schools for unaccountable schools run by for-profit organizations, hurting our teachers and diminishing the quality of our children’s education.

Jim supported Gov. Shapiro’s historic increase of 1.1 billion in state funding to our local school districts.  These additional funds will provide much needed services to our students while at the same time helping to limit local school tax increases.

Today, we face an acute shortage of teachers. One out of every four teachers are dropping out of the profession, leaving vacancies and putting the squeeze on our teachers. Jim will fight for programs that offer teachers professional development and programs that foster teacher retention. It is time to support our teachers and to show them the respect that they deserve.

For six years, Jim served as Pittston Area School Board Director, where he fought to increase public education funding through grants and additional allocations from Harrisburg. Jim will keep up the fight to secure more funding allocations for our schools and hold the line on property taxes.

To keep the Commonwealth competitive in the world, we need to build programs of excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is imperative that we develop curriculums that will enable students to succeed in their studies and beyond. Jim is endorsed by the American Federation of Teachers and will work with schools, colleges, and universities to build pathways to success.

What should not be forgotten is the importance and essentiality of our trade and vocational schools. These schools can provide training for good-paying careers for students, including our electricians, carpenters, masons, plumbers, technicians, and so much more. As State Representative, I will be an advocate and supporter of partnerships between our vocational schools and our local businesses to establish pathways to employment.